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infantry officers are assigned to infantry units or staff level positions. some infantry officers, because of assignments, may never be committed to combat operations while going up through the ranks

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Q: When infantry officers join the army at first do they fight on the ground then when they progress through the ranks they dont fight on the ground anymore right?
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Do police officers have to be tazed and sprayed with mace during training?

Whether officers are exposed to pepper spray (Mace, a form of tear gas, is seldom used anymore) and TASERs during training is determined by each training academy. Most officers do get some exposure, which can vary from walking through a room where pepper spray has been sprayed or being touched with the electrodes of a TASER to being sprayed directly in the face with pepper spray and getting "the full ride" of a TASER.

Who was the 54 infantry and why was it important?

The 54th Infantry Regiment of the United States Army currently only has one active battalion, which is a Basic Combat Training battalion at Fort Benning. It may or not still be an infantry One Station Unit Training outfit - infantry OSUT used to be exclusive to Fort Benning, but some units since have reverted to non-infantry Basic Combat Training. A friend of mine who went through infantry OSUT in 2/54 in the late 90s tells me the battalion used to be nicknamed "Hell's Kitchen". As for lineage and honours they carry, its respectable, but nothing which would gain the regiment the fame of more 'prominent' units, such as the 506th PIR. See the related link section for the Wikipedia article on the 54th Infantry Regiment.

Does J troop exist in the US Army?

Question: Does Company J exist in the US ARmy. Answer: The infantry division during WW2 contained 3 Infantry Regiments. Each Regiment consisted of 12 companies, identified A---through---M but it omitted Company J. There was no Company J. I assume this is still true today. A modern division consists of from two to four maneuver brigades. A Light Infantry Division during peacetime has two active-duty infantry brigades plus one US Army Reserve brigade. The 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions carry three active-duty infantry brigades. In a heavy division, there are four maneuver brigades. If it is a Mechanized Infantry division, there are three brigades of infantry and one of armor; an Armor division has three brigades of armor and one of infantry. Each brigade consists of three battalions, each of which contains either three or four line companies (armor has three, infantry four) plus a headquarters company. Each battalion's line companies will be named A through D--you won't find an E company in a maneuver battalion. Now, as to the question...a "troop" is a company-size Cavalry unit. A modern division contains ONE squadron of cavalry, which contains A through D Troops.

What is the official rank of a warrant officer?

They're officially Warrant Officers, if you're referring to the US military. They're in a separate class, between enlisted personnel and commissioned officers, and there are five Warrant Officer ranks, grades one through five.

What was Henry george's best-selling book that advocated social reform through the imposition of a single tax on land?

Progress and Poverty

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What does the infantry do?

The Infantry, through the use of fire and maneuver, close with and kill the enemy to achieve an objective.

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Could be any MOS. They pretty much run officers through jump school for funsies. Officers might serve in one branch, but actually have to perform in another (e.g., a serving infantry officer who was actually qualified as an armor officer). So those qualifications don't make them specific to any MOS.

What are the Ranks in a infantry division?

Do you mean "Ranks"? Rank refers to the promotion grade of an individual soldier. Army ranks starts at Private and goes through Sergeants to the officers such as Lieutenants and up to General. ALL of these ranks are found in an infantry division.

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As you progress through the game you will unlock more areas.

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not anymore

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on the first ever web

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