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In the US Senate, the Vice President who chairs the Senate can vote to break a tie vote. This comes into play as a Constitutional requirement, specifically in part of Article One in the US Constitution. This eliminates the problem created by a tie vote among the Senators.

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The Vice President of the United States may only vote in the Senate when a vote has yielded a tie, so that the VP may break the tie.

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What position is president of the senate?

The vice-president of the United States presides over the Senate. He can vote only in the case of a tie vote.

Does the Vice President run the Senate or the House?

The vice president does not "run" the senate. However he is the president of the senate and can vote, if the senate vote is tied. In a way the senate majority leader can control the senate in that all bills can only reach the floor to be debated and voted on if he or she says so. Harry Reid, a democrat, now "controls" the senate

Who is President of the Senate in the US?

The Vice President of the US.The President of the Senate is the Vice President of the United States. This is currently Joseph R. Biden.

What does the Vice President of the US serve as?

The Vice President of the United States acts as the President of the Senate, but he has no vote except to break ties. This is his only official role. Only the first few Vice Presidents actually acted as the President of the Senate; the VP only shows up when the vote is likely to be a tie. The rest of the time, the majority leader of the Senate acts as the "President Pro Tem" (or "pro tempore", "of the moment") and manages the day to day business of the Senate.

The presiding officer in senate is?

Normally it is the Vice President who is ex officio the President of the Senate. But most of the time it is the President Pro Tempore of the majority party who often delegates the power to the newer members of the house. In response to the answer above ^, Article 1 Section 3 of the Constitution states: The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

Related questions

Who leades the Senate?

the vice president has the deciding vote

Who casts the deciding vote when there is a the vote in senate?

The Vice-President, who is President of the Senate, can vote to break a tie vote.

Person in charge of the senate?

The Vice President of the United States is also the President of the Senate. He is not a Senator and he can not vote unless there is a tie vote, in which case he can vote to break the tie if he wishes.

What is the Vice Presidents role in the senate?

There is no such office as vice president of the Senate. The Vice President of the United States presides over the Senate and is thus often referred to as the President of the Senate. In that capacity, the Vice President presides over the Senate when it is in session. In that capacity, the Vice President's most notable role is to cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie vote on the floor of the Senate.

Who can vote in case of a tie in the US SEnate?

The vice-president of the United States votes to break the tie. Article 1, Section 3 states: " The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided."

Who is president of the Senate but has no vote unless the Senate is equally divided?

the vice-president

Who is the president of the senate but has no vote unless the senate is equally divided?

the vice-president

What happens In the event of a tied vote in the Senate?

The President of the U.S Senate has the deciding vote. The president of the U.S Senate is the Vice President of the U.S

What is the power the vice president has in the Senate?

the vote of the vice president will break a tie

Who Act as president of the senate?

The Vice President of the United States is the President of the Senate.. He can not vote unless there is a tie but he can vote to break a tie. Such is his only power.

In addition to replacing the president if necessary its the duty of the vice president to?

It is also the duty of the vice president to preside over the Senate.

Who is the president of the senate and who can that person vote?

That is the Vice President of the US. They only vote when there is a tie vote.