The first recorded Viking invasion of England was in 793 AD. The last invasion of England by this group was in 1066.
The Vikings DID invade so the answer to your question is "yes." There are still place names in the UK that were given by the Vikings.
The Vikings first invaded Britiain in 793 AD and last invaded in 1066 when William the Conqueror became King of England. 793 to 796 then they took over
How long ago did vikings live
This is true.
The Vikings DID invade so the answer to your question is "yes." There are still place names in the UK that were given by the Vikings.
soviet union, iceland, England, Ireland, belgium, Netherlands, France and corsica
The Vikings first invaded Britiain in 793 AD and last invaded in 1066 when William the Conqueror became King of England. 793 to 796 then they took over
How long ago did vikings live
The Vikings were greatly defeated when they tried to invade England with only half of their military. They showed a lot of laxity because of the ease with which they defeated other smaller armies.
when there moms told them to
Norway, Sweden, Denmark.
This is true.
The Saxons (from modern Germany), along with Angles and Jutes, invaded or migrated to Britain around the time of the collapse of the Roman Era in the 5th Century AD (400-500 AD). The Vikings of Scandinavia first began invading England in 793 AD. ---- There are links below.
nothing much u
Norway as a sovereign country has never invaded Ireland. But the Vikings of Scandinavia invaded England, Scotland and Ireland for hundreds of years.