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The chronology of Shakespeare's plays is not entirely guesswork. Where a play is published or known to have been performed, we know that it was written before that date. If a play seems to refer to a historical event or matter of topical interest, we know that it was written after that event. Also, a man called Francis Meres wrote a (nearly) complete list of Shakespeare's plays in 1598--plays he didn't mention probably came later.

Romeo and Juliet was first published in 1597, so was written before that. Scholars think about 1595 or 1596.

Julius Caesar was one of the first plays performed at the Globe Theatre. A man called Thomas Platter saw it in September 1599 but it is not on Meres's list. Probably written in 1599 then.

Macbeth appears to refer to the Gunpowder Plot of November 1605. It was first known to be performed in 1611 when a man called Simon Forman went to see it but was probably written when the Gunpowder Plot was still news, around 1606.

Hamlet was first published in 1603 and was registered for publication in 1602. The reference to child acting companies seems to be topical for events in 1601, which is a likely date for its composition.

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Q: When did shakespeare write the following plays Romeo and Juliet Julius Caesar Macbeth and Hamlet?
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Continue Learning about General History

Who is Claudius in Julius Caesar?

Claudius is a fictional king in William Shakespeare's "Hamlet." He was the brother and uncle of King Hamlet and Hamlet.

What was the most famous play which shakespeare wrote?

Generally people answer this one with the one play they have heard of. The plays that get studied in school are better known. Hamlet is more studied, more performed and better known than any other play, period. Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and Julius Caesar are also popular as well as A Midsummer Night's Dream.

What is this analogy Hamlet Odyssey Homer?


What is shakespeares longest play?

The longest play is Hamlet, which is the only Shakespeare play with more than thirty thousand words

What did the saying To Be Or Not To Be come from?

This is a quotation from William Shakespeare's play Hamlet. It is part of a soliliquy Hamlet makes when deciding whether to kill himself.

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There is no ghost in A Midsummer Night's Dream. In fact, of Shakespeare's thirty-eight plays, only four have ghosts: Hamlet, Macbeth, Julius Caesar, and Richard III.

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Shakespeare's five greatest tragedies are Hamlet, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, and Macbeth. Those five plays are used in countless English classes throughout the world and are also highly translated.

Shakespeare wrote what three dramas?

Hamlet,Macbeth, and King Lear.

What were two of William Shakespeare's plays?

Shakespeare wrote many plays but these are just two of them. Macbeth and Hamlet.

What works was Shakespeare famous for?

His plays and his sonnets. He is most famous for his sonnets 18 and 130 and his plays Hamlet, Macbeth, Julus Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice and King Lear.

What is one of the plays associated with Shakespeare?

Hamlet is one most associated as is Macbeth

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