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Evacuation officially finished in March 1946, although many evacuees' had returned home long before this date. for example by 12 July 1945, 54,317 evacuees had returned to London.

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16y ago
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12y ago

I'm looking for when it finishes aswell

but i can tell you when it starts :)

1st of September 1939

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12y ago

on September the first 1939

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4y ago

Threeeeee is the magic number

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Q: When did evacuation start and finish in World War 2?
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Why did evacuation start before World War 2?

As a precaution.

What years did World War 2 start and finish?

Answer 1939-1945

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Who dicidded to start evacuation in world war 2?

Winston Churchill and Parliament chose to have Ministry of Health do the evacuation of the British children. They had them go to the rural areas, coastal areas and mountain areas of the UK.

Which country in World War 2 falls after evacuation of 338000 soldiers?

France capitulates after the Dunkirk evacuation .

When did the cold war start and finish?

the cold war start and finish is (1945-1991)

WHO did World War 2 evacuation involve?

evacuation in world war 2 involved everyone really but there is nobody who was famous envolved ecept for Rebbecca Black and Ronhald Coleriche

What were the procedures for evacuation in World War 2?

wear clothes

What was evacuation like in World War 2?

it was very hard

When did the first evacuation happen?

im world war two

Are there any quotes about evacuation in world war 2?
