When did domestication of animals begin?
The answer is at the end of the old stone age and the beginning of the new stone age.
domestication of animals, warriors, merchants, preists, kings
The neolithical revolution
people settles where there is a source of water and food
Because it ends with the development of agriculture, the domestication of certain animals, and the smelting of copper ore to produce metal
what is the main result of the domestication of animals?
In caca land
Animals domestication has been documented in ancient Egypt, and has probably been around many years before that.
The New Stone Age is when domestication started .You can domesticate animals and plants.
The Neolithic age !
The following sentence uses the word domestication. The domestication of animals requires a lot of work, and takes a long time.
The significance of domestication is a better food source and a larger population of the animal. Domestication of certain animals prevents unnecessary death in the animal world.
The highlands of Ethiopia was one of the centers of domestication of plants and animals of Sub-Saharan Africa.