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Percussion caps were invented in the 1830's, with patents granted earlier in the 1800's. The first military application for percussion caps on muskets was in about 1842. By the Mexican War of 1846-1848, percussion cap firing muskets/rifles became general issue.

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Q: When did cap and ball replace flintlock?
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Related questions

How should you check to see if a muzzle loading firearm is loaded?

First check for a cap, or priming powder in the pan of a flintlock. If none, then insert the ramrod into the bore, and mark its length. Then remove the rod, and match the length to the barrel, IF the ramrod does not reach all the way to the cap nipple, or to the touchole of a flintlock, there is something in the barrel- usually a charge of powder and ball.

What are the release dates for Guns The Evolution of Firearms - 2013 From the Flintlock to the Percussion Cap 1-2?

Guns The Evolution of Firearms - 2013 From the Flintlock to the Percussion Cap 1-2 was released on: USA: January 2013

How long does it take to prepare a single shot rifle?

Your question is too vague. Are you talking about loading? Are you talking about a muzzel loader? If this is the case, an experienced person can take between 30 and 60 seconds if a Flintlock and a little faster if it is a cap and ball.

Age and where manufactured Flintlock over-under shotgun-rifle with description G G Julcher?

Your weapon is not a flintlock but a percussion cap shotgun rifle made by GG Julcher of Philadelphia PA from c 1840 to the Civil War. It is an unusual weapon as the shotgun lock (Hammer and cap) on the left side is upside down, an extremely clumsy solution as the cap tends to fall off.

What are flintlock rifles?

There is no such thing as a Flintlock rifle. There is a rifle and a flintlock. A rifle is a weapon with rifling in the barrel which are curved notches wich cause the bullet to spin as it travels down the barrel. A flintlock is a weapon with no rifling and shoots a spherical ball. It is propelled down the barrel by an explosion caused by a flint stiking a metal plate. The sparks then ignite some gunpowder shooting the shot from the barrel. A flintlock was not a brilliant weapon, they weren't that powerful, they had a poor range and they sometimes misfired.

How do you make the detective hat?

Blue Ball Cap, Red Ball Cap, and Tan Suit Jacket

What is the market cap for Ball Corporation BLL?

As of July 2014, the market cap for Ball Corporation (BLL) is $8,898,649,257.81.

When did cap and ball replace flintlock in India?

The British East India company began issuing cap lock Enfields to its Sepoy troops beginning about 1855. Indeed this switch of armaments is seen by many historians as one of the causes of the Sepoy Mutiny of 1858. (A rumour was circulated that the paper cartridges were sealed with lard and therefore unclean by Islamic codes) That being said many flintlocks were still used up to the early 20th century in India by the various Maharajahs armies especially in Gujarat, The Punjab, and Bengal.

How do you replace distributor cap for 1993 buick century?

it is distributorless no cap to replace has coil packs

How accurate is a flintlock?

Flintlocks, are as accurate as any other gun without a scope. It depends on your load and the how tight you pack the ball with the patch. With practise and lots of it, you can be very proficient with a flintlock, and it is a lot more fun than any other gun.

Do you use a size 10 cap in a cap and ball revolver?


How do you replace a camshaft sensor on a 1999 Tahoe?

The cam shaft position sensor is located under the distributor cap. You can replace this easily by undoing the screws holding on the distributor cap, remove and replace the sensor, then just replace the distributor cap.