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Benjamin Franklin harnessed electricity in June of 1752. He did this during his experiment with a key tied to a kite.

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Q: When did benjamin franklin harness electricity?
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No, electricity was around long before him. Benjamin Franklin is commonly accredited to be the first man to define and harness electricity.

Who discovered elecricity?

Benjamin Franklin(:

Did Benjamin Franklin discover electricity?

No. Electricity was around long before Ben Franklin -- or humans for that matter.

Benjamin Franklin and electricity?

Benjamin Franklin was the Father of Electricity. He did not invent it, but he did discover it. He simply did the kite and key experiment to find that lightning is just electricity.

How did Benjamin Franklin discoverd electricity?

how Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity Benjamin Franklin used a kite and went out into a storm with a kite and let it fly like any other kite and soon lightning hit it and lightning is a source of electricity

When did Benjamin Fanklin make the discovery of electricity and how?

Benjamin Franklin found out lighting was electricity in 1789

Did Benjamin Franklin invent electrcity?

No Benjamin Franklin did not invent electricity he just discovered it. there is a big difference in inventing and discovering.No Benjamin Franklin did not invent electricity he just discovered it. there is a big difference in inventing and discovering.

Who is famous for discovering electricity?

benjamin franklin

Who was the man that created electricity?

Benjamin Franklin

How Benjamin Franklin became famous?


Who is known as father of electricity?

Benjamin franklin.

Who explored electricity?

Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. See on wikipedia about him.