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Q: When did alexandre yersin discover the cause of the plague?
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Who found the cure to stop the black death?

In 1932, with sulphonamide drugs, there was finally an effective treatment for the plague. Yet, within 50 years, there were reports - persistent, though unconfirmed - that a strain of plague bacillus resistant to all medicinal and control measures had been developed for bacteriological warfare by the US army.

Why does Oedipus send Creon to the gods?

Oedipus sends Creon, his half-brother and uncle, to consult the oracle in order to discover the cause behind a great plague that has stuck Thebes.

What did the people think the reason for the black plague was?

the people thought the cause of the black plague was a witches curse.

Did unicellular or mulicellular organisms cause the plague?


What is difference between pneumonic and bubonic plague?

Bubonic and septicemic plague are two of the three types of plague. The main difference between the two is that the bubonic plague cause extreme infection and swelling of the lymph nodes while the septicemic plague cause the body's clotting mechanism to stop.

When sugar and bacteria get stuck in the plague what does it cause?

It causes cavities.

What made plague frightening?

The speed that Bubonic Plague overtook its victims and the gruesomeness of the death were particularly frightening, especially when the cause was unknown.

What was The church's view as to the cause for the plague?

The church thought that it was the Jews fault that the plague happend. But really it was infuenza carried by rats and flees.

Names of bacteria or a virus?

The bacteria that is believed to be the main cause of Black Death (bubonic plague, pneumonic plague and septicemic) is yersinia pestis.

A skeleton or demon leading people to their deaths during the plague time?

No. Where did you get that from some picture? If it was that skeleton represented death or the plague. They had no idea what the cause was.

What kind of injuries does plague cause?

The most serious one is death. However there are several types of plague so it would depend on which you mean.

What cause plague?

Fleas traveling on black rats bit people.