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James Cook did not find Australia. This is a common misconception. The first non-Aboriginal people to visit Australia were the Malay and Indian traders, from the Indonesian islands. They collected sea slugs from the Australian coast to trade with china, where the slugs were a prized delicacy. The first European to come across Australia was the Dutch Captain, William Jansz, who sighted Australia in 1606 and explored the Gulf of Carpentaria. However, he did not realise he had landed on a new continent, and believed it to be part of New Guinea. Dutch maps reflected this error for many years. Jansz was followed by fellow countrymen Dirk Hartog (1616) and Abel Tasman (1642). The first Englishman to arrive on Australian shores was William Dampier, in 1688, and he was so unimpressed that his report put off England for another seventy years. Captain Cook was on a scientific expedition to observe the transit of Venus from Tahiti when he continued west, coming across New Zealand and then continuing on until he reached the Australian mainland and charted the Eastern coast, in 1770.

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11y ago

James Cook did not discover Australia.

Aborigines had inhabited the continent for thousands of years, and Macassan traders from Asia had been visiting for years to collect sea-slugs, a valued delicacy in Asia, long before the first European sighted the continent.

The first recorded European visitor was Dutch explorer Willem Jansz/ Janszoon, who landed on the shores of Cape York Peninsula on 26 February 1606. However, there are reports that the Portuguese found Australia as early as 1522, but all records have been lost.

The first Englishman to visit Australia was William Dampier, in 1688. Captain Cook charted the eastern coast and claimed it in the name of Britain in 1770.

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10y ago

Contrary to popular belief, Captain James Cook did not discover Australia.

The first non-Aboriginal people to visit (or 'discover') Australia were the Malay and Indian traders, from the Indonesian islands. They collected sea slugs from the Australian coast to trade with China, where the slugs were a prized delicacy.

The Portuguese are believed to have discovered Australia in the 1500s, but all records of their visit/s have been lost.

Willem Jansz/Janszoon was a Dutchman who was seeking new trade routes and trade associates. He became the first recorded European to step foot on Australia's shores on the western shore of Cape York Peninsula, on 26 February 1606. However, he believed the Cape to be part of New Guinea, from whence he crossed the Arafura Sea, so Australia was not charted as a separate continent at that stage.

In 1616, Dutch sea-captain Dirk Hartog sailed too far whilst trying out Henderik Brouwer's recently discovered route from the Cape of Good Hope to Batavia, via the Roaring Forties. Reaching the western coast of Australia, he landed at Cape Inscription on 25 October 1616. His is the first known record of a European visiting Western Australia's shores.

The first Englishman to visit Australia was William Dampier, in 1688.

James Cook (not a captain at this stage) charted the eastern coast and claimed it in the name of the British in 1770, and for this reason, Cook is often wrongly credited with discovering Australia. Captain Cook was on a scientific expedition to observe the transit of Venus from Tahiti when he continued west, coming across New Zealand and then continuing on until he reached the Australian mainland and charted the Eastern coast. Cook was the first European to sight and chart the eastern coast of Australia, which he did between April and August 1770, naming the land New South Wales. He explored much of the eastern Australian coast on behalf of Britain, which was looking to found new colonies given the looming probable independence of the American colonies.

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12y ago

James Cook first saw Australia on 19 April 1770, when officer of the watch, Lieutenant Zachary Hicks, sighted land. This was the southeastern corner of the continent, which was subsequently named Point Hicks.

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James Cook became the first European explorer to sight the eastern coast of Australia on 19 April 1770.

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A long time ago

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Q: When did James Cook discover Australia?
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James Cook charted the east coast of Australia.

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James Cook, who was not yet a Captain but a Lieutenant, travelled to Australia in the HM Bark Endeavour.

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James Cook was the first European to sight the eastern coast of Australia, which he then named New South Wales. It should be noted, however, that Cook did not discover Australia.

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Captain James Cook did not discover any continent. In 1770, he found the eastern coast of Australia, but Australia as a continent had been discovered by the Portuguese about two hundred years before Cook. Formal discoveries of Australia were made by the Dutch in the early 1600s.

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James Cook certainly did not discover Australia. He was the first European to discover Hawaii which, at the time, he named the Sandwich Islands after one of his sponsors, the Earl of Sandwich.

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James Cook was the first known European to sail up and chart the eastern coast of Australia.On 29 April 1770, Botany Bay was the site of James Cook's first landing of HMS Endeavour on the continent of Australia.

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James Cook did not discover New Guinea.

Did Captain Cook discover Australia in 1787?

No, on three counts.1. James Cook was not a captain when he first charted the eastern coast of Australia. He was a Lieutenant.2. James Cook arrived at Australia's southeastern coast in 1770.3. James Cook did not discover Australia.James Cook was the first known European to sight the eastern coast, and he did so in April 1770, first sighting the southeast corner which he named Point Hicks. The European discovery of Austalia occurred early in 1606.