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Q: When asked about his birthday a man said The day before yesterday you were only 25 and next year you will turn 28 This is true only one day in a year When was he born and when could he say this?
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Happy Early Birthday! Or..... If there birthday is in a week, you could say.... Happy "ONE WEEK" before your birthday!

Is it correct to use you could had come yesterday?

No. You could say 'you could have come yesterday', or 'you would have come yesterday', or 'if you had come yesterday', though.

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Answer#1The "day" of Thanksgiving The "day" of ChristmasThe "day" of after EasterAnother option:YesterdayTodayTomorrowjust say no i cantAnother option:January 1stJanuary 2ndJanuary 3rdi could go on

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pre-birthday-wish 'cause you wished them before the actual birthday You could also call it an "unbirthday" as they do in Alice in Wonderland.

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You could be either 16, if your birthday is before the present date, which is March 7, or you could be 15, if your birthday is after March 7th.

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Yesterday refers to the specific day before today, while previous day is a more general term that can refer to any day before today. So, yesterday is always the day directly before today, while the previous day could be any day before today.

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That is pretty close to your birthday and at 18 you are an adult. Suppose you could.

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I could have helped you yesterday

Can you move out a day before your 18th birthday?

You could move out a day before your 18th birthday, but you shouldn't because you wouldn't get to celebrate it with the ones you love or your friends if you do then you get a free life and you'll get homesick.

Do people with Down syndrome have a weak memory?

Yes! I have a friend with Down Syndrome, and I asked her to ask her mom if she could come to my birthday party. She forgot to 3 days in a row, and I kept reminding her every day before she got on the bus to go home.

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You could pick which ever weekend you want and the opposite day of your parent. For example if your mom has a party on Saturday, then you could have a party on Sunday. Or celebrate your birthday with either parent but pick a different day to celebrate with friends.

What is the past tense and past participle of can?

The past tense of "can" is "could," and the past participle is also "could." For example: I could help you yesterday (past tense), and I have could help you before (past participle).