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551 B.C. during the Zhou Dynasty.

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Q: When and during which dynasty was Confucius born?
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Who was the scholar born in 551BC and lived during the Zhou dynasty?


Was Confucius born in china?

He was born during the Zhou dynasty in 551 BC

What dynasty was Confucius from?

The Zhou Dynasty.

What dynasty was Confucius?

The Zhou Dynasty.

Which key person changes the country's belief system during the Zhou Dynasty?


What period in history did Confucius live and in what country?

Confucius was born on September 28, 551 BC in Zou, Lu state, which is now the Shandong Province in China. He lived during the Zhou Dynasty and died in 479 BC.

What was Confucius the leader of?

Confucius was an educational leader an politician during the Eastern Zhou dynasty. He was greatly renown for his teachings regarding self governance and morality.

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How is Confucianism a product of its environment?

Confucianism was based off of Chinese beliefs and Confucius was born into an aging dynasty

Whose teachings were the foundation for government during the Han dynasty?

Really It's Laozi I thought it was Confucius

What is the title of the book that Confucius's ideas are in?

The Mencius

Confucius lived and worked during which dynasty?

It was not Ming (1368-1644), so let's narrow down the answers.Actually, let's go through the whole test together.Question 1 of 25: Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher, lived and worked during which dynasty?Answer: B: Ming (1368-1644) No.Question 2 of 25: The combination of Legalism and Confucianism which the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.) implemented as its ruling ideology is called?Answer: C: Legalistic Confucianism. No.