The birth of the US is normally thought to have happened on July 4, 1776, the day that the Declaration of Independence was signed.
June 21,1788 the date that United States Constitution was ratified by the ninth states which created the United of States as we know it today. The British surrender on October 19,1781which ended the Revolution War might also well be considered the beginning of the US as a new nation.
Depending on the year you were born (and which US territory you were born in), you may be granted US citizenship at birth. For Puerto Rico, that year is 1941. The only US territories which do not grant natural-born citizenship are American Samoa and Swains Island.
and what year they i become a part of the us
Immigrants come to the US every year. There has never been a single year of US history in which there were no immigrants.
In order to have your 77th birthday in 2016 - you would have to be born in the year 1939.
The first mosque in the US was built after the first world world war in year and was completed in year 1934.
Approximately 4 million people were born in the US in the year 1954.
Approximately 2.1 million Caucasian children are born in the US each year.
Tell us who she is and we may be able to answer.
Depending on the year you were born (and which US territory you were born in), you may be granted US citizenship at birth. For Puerto Rico, that year is 1941. The only US territories which do not grant natural-born citizenship are American Samoa and Swains Island.
The first president of the United States was George Washington,he was born on Feb.22,1732.
About 3,890,000 each year.
No, mythology does not give us Athena's day and year of birth.
telling us what YEAR you were born would help.
If you want somebody to answer when Noah is twelve you have to tell us which year he was born in and if you don't know which year he was born in then nobody can answer your question.
3 a year
15th U.S. President James Buchanan was born in 1791.