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There are two schools of thought amongst historians on why the Constitution was created. One group believes it was created to solidify and empower the people of the United States, granting them human rights and a system of law, which enabled the country to go forward with the values defined by the Revolution. However, some historians believe that the Constitution was a carefully orchestrated document designed to keep the social aristocracy in place, and push forward their economic interests, even at the cost of discarding the ideals of the Revolution.

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There were several disagreements when the constitution was written; one of the major conflicts were whether a state should get one vote in elections, or have votes proportional to the population. Also there was a disagreement on how much power was to be given to the states vs congress. Another major dispute was over whether the government should be more of a direct democracy less than a representative. There were several arguments but these are some of the major ones.

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14y ago

Disagreements among people are natural. When people have differing backgrounds and interests combined with strong personalities, disagreements should be expected. Nearly every possible issue in the constitution was a matter for debate. Some of the largest disputes were over how much power the president would have, whether we would have a standing army, how taxes could be levied, how representatives for Congress would be allocated, and slavery.

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