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Victory gardens were gardens maintained by individuals to reduce the strain of the infrastructure. The government encouraged people to raise and can their own food.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Victory Gardens were anywhere families had room to put them. They could be in the backyard, front yard, or even in window boxes.

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Q: What were victory gardens made of in world war 2?
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'Victory gardens'

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Victory Gardens

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Victory Gardens .

Did people grow tomatoes in World War 2?

yes in Victory Gardens

What did victory gardens do?

Victory gardens were basically gardens that you would get v food and then mostly ration them to the soldiers out in war.

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Rationing and Victory Gardens

What do you call the small vegetable gardens grown by ameicans during world war 2?

Victory gardens. Everything was "victory this" and "victory that" in WWII, replacing the buzz word "Liberty", which served the same function during the first war (when sauerkraut became "Liberty Cabbage").

What did Americans do to help the war during World War 2?

They watered their victory gardens, worked fire trucks, ext.

Gardens planted to produce more food for the war effort?

Victory gardens

What did the mothers do during World War 1?

Mothers in World War I helped in the factories, were nurses, or stayed home with the children and grew food in victory gardens.

What were the World War 2 vegetable gardens called?

These were known as Victory Gardens, and were an effort to maintain the supply of food during the war years. In this way, everyone could participate and feel they were doing something to help the cause. See the Web Link to the left for more information and links.