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The Industrial Revolution caused rapid urbanization; the overwhelming demand for workers had masses of people migrate from their farms (villages) to cities.

The revolution had also caused two new social classes to emerge, the "capitalist" and the "proletariat". The capitalists (origin: capital) controlled most of the economic activities, with most of the money in their hand, and had a say in the government. The proletariat (origin: French word) had little money, lived in dirty slums and had no right or say in the government.

There was also middle classes which are less wealthy than capitalist but still lived in good condition. They are mainly doctors, scientists.

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Technological effects included:

1.Invention of Elevators:made it practical for building to have more than five or six stories.

2.Offices could be illuminated with electrical lights both night and day.

3.Type writers: enabled workers to type info. faster than they could write it by hand.

4.Telephones:allowed workers to send and receive messages faster than the telegraph.

Social effects included:

The emerges of the upper class, upper middle class, lower middle class. lower class, and the impoverish.

The rich lived in well dwell housings, while poor lived in small cramped row houses or tenements in overcrowded neighborhoods.


Some economic effects included:

  1. Rapid increases in technology (which affects production).
  2. Standardisation of production processes (e.g.) the assembly line) and parts.
  3. Substantially lower transportation costs and development of improved transportation systems (e.g.) canals; railroads).
  4. Better and cheaper intermediate good production (e.g.) steel).
  5. Vast increase in global What_were_the_economic_effects_of_the_Industrial_Revolution.
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the gap between the rich and the poor grew larger

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