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There was something about 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' & we all had 45 minutes to live ! Oh dear: it appears we were misinformed. In retrospect it appears a poor way to effect 'Regime change'. An insecure base on which to go to war. This does not mean I think, thought rather, that Saddam Hussein was a good man. It does mean I think the people of Iraq deserve better.

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Q: What were the reasons offered after the Iraq war?
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Why Several times during the Gulf War the Iraqis offered to withdraw from Kuwait .?

They offered to withdraw from Kuwait in exchange for part of Kuwait.

What caused america to be in war in iraq?

There are several reasons why the US ended up in Iraq. One of the reasons was a suspicion that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

How would you describe the war of Iraq?

Discribe the war of Iraq

Where did the Iraq war occour?


If the United States didn't go to war with Iraq for weapons of mass destruction or oil or human rights then why did they go to war with Iraq?

The question is worded in a ridiculous fashion. Both America and its detractors have cited these three reasons as the most common bases of why the United States started the Iraq War. The only other reasons proffered include that Iraq was a hotbed of terrorism (which was blatantly untrue) and numerous conspiracy theories about the Military-Industrial Complex, Freemasonry, Republican Agendas, and various similar nonsense (which like all conspiracy theories are explicitly non-falsifiable).

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What were the reasons originally offered for the iraq invasion by the president of US and PM of UK?

no idea...........that's what i wanna ask you......:P

Why during the Gulf War the Iraqis offered to withdraw from Kuwait?

"The Iraqis offered to withdraw from Kuwait during the gulf war"? Which Gulf War? They may have made that offer during the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988; but then Kuwait may not have been involved during that time period. If Iraq made that offer in 1991, during Operation Desert Storm...then there would NOT HAVE BEEN A DESERT STORM! The whole purpose of Operation Desert Storm was to eject Iraq from Kuwait. If Iraq offered to leave...then that would negate the military action needed to remove them.

Why Several times during the Gulf War the Iraqis offered to withdraw from Kuwait .?

They offered to withdraw from Kuwait in exchange for part of Kuwait.

What caused america to be in war in iraq?

There are several reasons why the US ended up in Iraq. One of the reasons was a suspicion that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

What was one of Bush Administration's started reasons for pursuing a War with Iraq?

It was alleged that Iraq was creating weapons of mass destruction and that invasion was the only way to halt production.

What was the name of the war with Iraq?

Iraq war

What type of music do Iraq people listen to?

stop the war in Iraq please stop the war in Iraq please stop the war in Iraq please stop the war in Iraq please

Who was in the Iraq war?

The people involved in the war in Iraq are the US, Iraq and the UK.

What war began in 1980 after Iraq was invaded?

There was a war that began in Iraq in 1980, but the war began with an invasion of Iran, not Iraq. That war is the Iran-Iraq War and lasted from 1980-1988.

Was Iraq at war in 1983?

Yes, Iraq was at war with Iran from 1980 to 1988. This was called the Iran-Iraq war.

What was one of the Bush administrations stated reasons for pursuing a war with Iraq?

Because the Iraqis were harboring weapons of mass destruction.

Why is it called the War in Iraq?

The war in Iraq is called this because the war is within Iraq, its not with any other country. Iraq is having civil wars. Iraq can not stabilize their government or economy.