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1 Jan New Year's Day.

March / April Easter.

6 April Founder's Day.

April / May Ascension Day.

1 May Worker's Day (Added in 1980s).

31 May Republic Day.

10 Oct Kruger Day.

16 Dec Day of the Covenant.

25 Dec Christmas Day.

26 Dec Boxing Day.

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Q: What were the public holidays of South Africa before 1994?
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What type of government had South Africa before imperialism?


Why did the British have a fight with South Africa?

South Africa was only formed in 1910 and there was never a war between South Africa and Britain, however the British fought wars with the Boers for control of gold and diamond and Zulus for control of Natal before South Africa was formed.

When did June 16th become a public holiday in South Africa?

June 16th is known as National Youth Day in South Africa. It started in 1976 when students were fighting against the government.

When did CR Swart become President in South Africa?

Charles Robberts Swart became the first State President of South Africa in 1961 and held this office until 1967. The position he held before that was Governor-General of South Africa.

What was gandhis before he begane to be a politic?

Before he turned to politics, Ghandi worked as a solicitor in South Africa.

Related questions

How many public holidays south Africa year?

There are 14 public holidays per year in South Africa for the years 2009 and 2010

Are banks in south Africa open on a public holiday?

No the banks are closed on public holidays.

What is some holidays in South Africa?

Some holidays in south africa is easter day april 13, freedom day april 27, new years january

What does South Africa have to eat on the holidays?

A special meat seasoned

What season are the Jewish holidays in in south Africa?

There are more than 20 holidays that fall in every season.

Who is the Minister of Public Works for South Africa?

Thembelani Thulas" Nxesi is the Minister of Public Works for South Africa."

Which state in Australia has the most public holidays?

Currently, South Australia has the most, with 13 public holidays. See the related link below.

What are the holidays traditions at south Africa?

putting up christmas trees

Was Zac Efron in South Africa for the holidays in 2007?

Yes he was because he is cool.

What was South Africa name before colonization?

Still South Africa.

Commission of enquiry in South Africa?

The Commission of Inquiry in South Africa investigates issues of public concern.

What kind of adventure holidays are available in South Africa?

South Africa offers a wide range of adventure holidays. When you are visiting with your whole family you can take part in different guided tours. Furthermore you can go on hiking trips, go snorkling or visit National Parks.