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Russia-viewed most of Europe as territory it had won in a hard fight and also as a buffer between it and the capitalistic world. It wanted to turn Germany into an agrarian state.

US-wanted a free market and capitalism and for Germany to be rebuilt.

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9y ago

After 1945, the post-war goals of the United States and the Soviet Union may be briefly summarized as follows: The Soviet Union sought to install pro-Communist regimes throughout the world while also ensuring that it would never again suffer from a direct invasion such as had occurred in World War II. The United States, by contrast, systematically gave support to pro-Western regimes throughout the world while also acting to limit the influence and growth of the Soviet Union.

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13y ago

The Americans, Brits, and French wanted the USSR to let all the Eastern Europe nations, in particular Poland, have their freedom to have self-rule and economy. They could choose whether they wanted to be a democratic or communist or another type of government. Stalin wanted to keep the nations he conquered and have them all be satellite nations of the the Soviet Union. This basically set off the the Cold War between the US and the USSR.

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10y ago

One postwar goal of the United Sates was to see democracies improve and flourish in Europe. A postwar goal of the Soviet Union was to defeat capitalism and spread communism.

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Q: What were the post-war goals of the US and Soviet Union after World War II?
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Summarize the postwar goals of the US and soviet union?

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What were the postwar goals of the united States and the Soviet Union?

One postwar goal of the United Sates was to see democracies improve and flourish in Europe. A postwar goal of the Soviet Union was to defeat capitalism and spread communism.

What were the goals of the US and soviet union after World War 2?

To advance in technology

How did US goals and soviet goals differ after world war?

The United States suffered few casualties and was the richest nation in the world. The Soviet Union suffered enormous loss of life and damage to its cities.

How did the goals of US foreign-policy in Europe compared to the goals of Soviet foreign-policy after World War 2?

The U.S. wanted the eastern european to be strong and independant but the Soviet Union didnt but finally the soviet aggred with the U.S.

How did the goals of US foreign-policy in Europe compared to the goals of the Soviet foreign-policy after World War 2?

The U.S. wanted the eastern european to be strong and independant but the Soviet Union didnt but finally the soviet aggred with the U.S.

How did the goals of us foreign policy in Europe compare to the goals to Soviet foreign policy after World War 2?

The U.S. wanted the eastern european to be strong and independant but the Soviet Union didnt but finally the soviet aggred with the U.S.

How did the goals of us foreign policy in Europe compare to goals of soviet foreign policy after world war 2?

The U.S. wanted the eastern european to be strong and independant but the soviet union didnt but finally the soviet aggred with the U.S.

What goals did us great Britain and Soviet union have in World War 2?

the goals were to gain bur rhe land that the German's toke and Italy

How did the goals of U.S foreign policy in Europe compare to the goals of soviet foreign policy after world war 2?

The United States suffered few casualties and was the richest nation in the world. The Soviet Union suffered enormous loss of life and damage to its cities.

What was the relationship between the Soviet Union And Eastern Europe countries after world war 2?

The Soviet Union created satellite countries in Eastern Europe with communist governments to repress their people, repress free speech & keep people hostage to the Soviet Union's goals.

What were the major goals of the soviet union during the cold war?

bless you.