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You really need to stop trying to cheat on your assignments. Read your book and infer. You will get a good grade even if you just answer plainly and slightly off. Just your responses are worth a few points.

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Q: What were the political economic and cultural forces that led to the Walla Walla Treaty?
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1 List the six primary forces shaping a companys macro environment Which do you think has the largest impact on a retail-clothing store Discuss?

Six primary forces shaping a company's macro-environment are: demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural forces. I think that nowadays the cultural force has the most impact on a retail-clothing store. Six primary forces shaping a company's macro-environment are: demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural forces. I think that nowadays the cultural force has the most impact on a retail-clothing store. Six primary forces shaping a company's macro-environment are: demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural forces. I think that nowadays the cultural force has the most impact on a retail-clothing store.

Social environmental forces?

Economic forces, Technological forces, Political-legal forces, Sociocultural forces.

How do push and pull factors influence migration?

Forces that can either induce people to move to a new location. They can be economic, political, cultural, and environmentally based. I hope this was useful :)

What is pronatalist forces?

Pronatalist forces are societal, economic, or political factors that encourage or promote higher birth rates within a population. These forces can include policies such as pro-natal subsidies, cultural norms that value large families, or incentives for having more children.

What are external forces that influence our actions and lives?

External forces that influence our actions and lives include societal expectations, cultural norms, political systems, economic conditions, and environmental factors. These external forces can shape our decisions, behaviors, and opportunities in various ways, often beyond our direct control.

What are external forces in an organization?

legal political economic social technological competition

What are the major societal forces?

Major societal forces can include technological advancements, economic trends, political influences, cultural norms, and environmental factors. These forces can shape social structures, behavior, and beliefs at both individual and collective levels. Understanding and navigating these forces are crucial for individuals and organizations to thrive in a constantly changing world.

What is globalizing forces?

Globalizing forces refer to the factors and processes that contribute to the interconnectedness and interdependence of countries around the world. These forces can include technological advancements, economic integration, cultural exchange, and political cooperation that transcend national boundaries. Globalizing forces are shaping the modern world by facilitating the flow of information, goods, services, and people across borders.

Economic basis does not explain sociological basis for the creation of social classes who said this?

This statement reflects the view of Karl Marx, a prominent sociologist and economist, who believed that social classes are not solely determined by economic factors but also shaped by social relations, power dynamics, and cultural values. Marx argued that the creation and maintenance of social classes are influenced by a complex interplay of economic, political, and cultural forces in society.

In which way did religious conservatives influence politics?

They joined forces with economic concerto form a political majority

What are 3 motives behind the European race for colonies?

to change the economic, political, and social forces of peoples lives.

What Five major external forces seem to drive the rate of change and shape your economic and political landscape?

5 major external forces seem to drive the rate of change and shape our economic and political landscape: globalization, technology, organizational consolidation, the empowered consumer, and government policy and regulation.