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Q: What were the names of General Grant's two horses?
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What are the names of the two horses in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader?

There are no "two horses," in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, but in The Horse and His Boy, the two horses names are Bree (stallion) and Hwin (mare).

William III of England had two horses what were their names?

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The two commonest names are Lariat or Lasso

What were the names of the two Generals that fought at Bull Run?

The two generals who fought at The battle of Bull Run were General Lee and General Jackson.

What were the names of George Custer's two horses?

he had more than two horses but Dandy and Vic for "victory" were his favorite. link explains why they where his favorites and some history to go along with that stuff.

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The only "passes" that I can recall from Pokemon FireRed are the Tri-Pass, which grants you access to Islands One, Two, and Three, and the Rainbow Pass, which grants you access to Islands One through Seven (the Sevii Islands).

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The two general names are a quadrilateral based pyramid and a triangular prismoid.

What was US Grants wages as a General?

Colonels, one-star brigadier generals, two-star major generals, and the only three star lieutenant general, Grant, were all paid the same - $300 per month.

Horses can have how many nostrils Three Two One or Four?

Horses have two nostrils just like most mammals. Each nostril functions independently to help the horse breathe properly while also detecting scents in their environment.

Do horses have five nostrils?

No, just two...

What are two types of categorical grants?

It is very common for the Federal Government to make grants to the fifty states, and very common for states to make grants to local governments. Categorical grants are not to be confused with general grants or unencumbered funds, which can be applied toward anything in the state/local budget. Categorical grants could be for improving road conditions, health care, law enforcement, fire protection, etc. In that case, the funds could only be applied to the category of road repair, health care, etc., thus they are called cateogical.

Two types of categorical grants?

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