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Cleopatra's children were named:

-Caesarion- her first born and Caesar's only child with Cleopatra,

-Alexander Helios & Cleopatra Selene- her only set of twins and middle children with Mark Antony,

-Ptolemy Philadelphus- Cleopatras last child to be given birth to

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13y ago

Cleopatra's children were Caesarion, Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene, and Ptolemy Philadelphos.

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What were Cleopatras parents names?

Cleopatra's parents were Ptolemy and Cleopatra

Who are Cleopatras sons?

They are boys and their names are Caesarion, Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Phildelphos.

Which of cleopatras kids died?

3 of them died and 1 of them lived. I'm not sure which ones tho

What were cleopatras four children's names?

Caesarion,Cleoptra Selene,Alexanander Helios and Ptolemy Pilidephus

What was the names of Cleopatra's four children?

the names of cleopatras children were Ptoemy XV Caesarion, Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene, and Ptolemy Philadelphus.

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no one knows what happened yet because it hasn't been discovered yet

When was The Cleopatras created?

The Cleopatras was created in 1983.

What was queen Cleopatras sons name?

Cleopatra's sons' names were Ptolemy Caesar (Caesarion), Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphos.

Cleopatras kids with Marc Anthony boys or girls?

Cleopatra had 2 boys and 1 girl with Mark Antony:]

Did Cleopatra have 4 or 3 kids?

for everyones information Cleopatra had 4 kids with Ceasar and Antony there names were ceaseraion-her first born and ceasars only child with Cleopatra Alexander Helios & Cleopatra selene- her only set of twins peotolmy philadephus-cleopatras the middle child and last child bellatopian cuolieo-her unborn child