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The German invasion of France in may/June of 1940 was another dramatic success of the Blitzkreig. France was overwhelmed & capitulated in a few short weeks. The British had a minor victory in defence of Arras. The Evacuation of Dunkirk rescued 330,000 allied soldiers. (Operation Dynamo) The Battle of Britain was a success for the RAF in the skies over south & south east England. Although the German fighter, the Messerschmitt Bf 109, was a quality aircraft, the Spitfire generally outflew it and the Hawker Hurricane had great success against the German bomber fleet, made up of Heinkel 111 & Dornier Do 17 & 217 & Junkers JU 88. The Junkers Ju 87, the Stuka, was found to be outclassed when put up against British front line air defences. The Luftwaffe changed tactics & were successful in the Blitz, the night bombing of British cities & ports. This lasted from the Autumn of 1940 to the spring of 1941. In the Summer of 1941 the Whermacht launched Operation Barbarossa. It was devastating & many of the Soviet forces were surrounded by the massive Panzer thrusts of the German invasion. On land the Germans appeared invincible. This advance lasts, almost unchecked, until the winter of 1942 in the snow around Stalingrad. Thereafter the Russian recovery of their territory of the Ukraine & Belorusse, and on into Poland & eventually into Germany itself is the main event of WW2. The casualty figures are monumental.

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1-The Germans quickly and efficiently conquered France, 2- Britain's Royal Air Force defeated the German air force in the Battle of Britain, which halted the Nazi's planned invasion of England, and 3-Germany's surprise invasion of the Soviet Union set the stage for Hitler's ultimate defeat, as they eventually lost in excess of one million experienced soldiers killed, wounded, or captured and eventually no longer had the combat manpower to fight.

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Q: What were the military outcomes and important results of the Germans invasion of France the Battle of Britain and the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941?
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