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Ben Franklin is the only Founding Father who is a signatory of all four of the major documents of the founding of the United States which are: the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Paris, the Treaty of Alliance with France, and the United States Constitution.

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13y ago

One for sure--the declaration of independence. that's all i got, sorry

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Q: What were the four documents that Benjamin Franklin signed?
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What was Benjamin Franklin's biggest achievement?

He signed all four major documents that formed the United States.

Was Benjamin Franklin the only man to sign all four of the documents?

Franklin signedThe Declaration of Independence,The Treaty of Alliance with France,The Treaty of Peace with EnglandThe U.S. Constitution.As to "why" you would need to read his autobiography. In short, he was a great man who was well respected by his community. Whenever Pennsylvania or the colonies/nation needed a representative Franklin was on the "short list." He had a reputation for being diplomatic, smart, fair and friendly.The above is wrong. Roger Sherman was the only founding father to sign all four great state papers of the U.S. Sherman signed:The Continental AssociationThe Declaration of IndependenceThe Articles of ConfederationThe Constitution

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Benjamin Franklin prepared a notebook with a twenty-four hour schedule to better manage his time and avoid wasting it. By organizing his day in detail, Franklin aimed to be more productive, efficient, and purposeful in his daily activities.

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Where are four places Benjamin Franklin lived?

Ben lived in London, Philadelphia Boston and Paris

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What is four things Benjamin Franklin famous for?

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Why did Benjamin Franklin prepare a notebook with a twenty four hour?

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How did Benjamin Franklin get to the Constitutional Convention?

Although Benjamin Franklin's mind remained active, his body was deteriorating. He was in constant pain because of gout and having a stone in his bladder, and he could barely walk. He would enter the convention hall in a sedan chair carried by four prisoners from the Walnut Street jail in Philadelphia.