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For all the answers to this question I have heard, none makes more sense than the fact that the societies were totally opposite of each other.

Where Native Americans basic cultural beliefs kept them from doing bad things, American cultural beliefs allowed them to do all bad things and be forgiven for it by their god without harm to their spirits or afterlives. Americans lie, cheat, steal, destroy, and respect nothing; while Native Americans respect everything, and are forbidden to lie, or cheat - stealing or destroying was done ONLY by strict cultural standards.

The basic conflict was over land ownership. The Indians saw the white settlers as invaders who encroached on their land, which of course they were. Even if white settlers bought land in some way, the sellers never had a clear title-- who said that it was theirs to sell? Treeaties were made but there was no central government to enforce them. One chief might make a treaty but once he died or was deposed, the treaty was worthless. There was also the problem of wars in Europe. French and Spanish agents would make alliances with the Indians against English settlers and vice-versa.

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Q: What were the causes of the conflict between Native Americans and white settlers?
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