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The Lakota/Sioux Indians fought George Custer

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Q: What were the Indian tribes that fought Custer?
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Did Indians have war?

Indian tribes fought each other, yes.

What two Indian tribes fought in the goshute war?

Shoshone and the Goshute tribes. (Journey of Discovery, 130-131)

What were the two tribes who fought in the french and Indian war?

The French and the Indians fought together. the British and Americans fought together against the french and Indians. was that exiting.

General Custards last stand?

Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer fought at the Battle of Little Big Horn.It is commonly referred to as Custer's Last Stand and was an armed engagement between combined forces of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes, against the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army.His troops were destroyed. The Indian tribes did not win the larger battle, though.

What was the out come of the battle of little big horn?

268 Union troops, including the worthless general George Armstrong Custer, were killed by Indian tribes.

Who fought in the battle of little biggorn?

engagement between combined forces of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes, against the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army led by Gen Custer

What caused the little big horn battle?

The battle of Little Big Horn was caused by General Custer's over zealous desire to make a name for himself, he had hoped to be president and he had underestimated the Indian tribes remaining desire to maintain their freedom. The tribes, some of which were unfriendly to one another banded together and became far more powerful than Custer had anticipated. At this time in history there was a mass surrender of Indian Chiefs and Custer felt that they would be of very little significance and present no problem.and so that was the end of Indians

Who had to fight against the french in the American and Indian war?

The British Colonists and some of the Iroquois tribes fought against the French.

Who fought Native Americans after the war?

Crook , Dodge , Custer

Who where George Custer's friends?

Bloody knife a indian

Why couldn't American colonists settle beyond the Appalachian mountains?

The British had treaties with the Native tribes who had fought on their side in the French and Indian War.

Was george a Custer confederate or union?

Custer fought for the Union. His last battle was in 1876, several years after the end of the Civil War.