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The social climate in Germany from 1933 to 1945 was one of gradually growing fear and antisemitism. At first, the German people were very pleased with Hitler and all he did to get them out of their devastating economic depression. Little by little, though, they realized that he was monstrous. By that point, however, it was too late to stop him, though many did try.

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9y ago
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11y ago

The social climate during the Holocaust, as many of you already know was fearful. The Jews that hadn't already been taken and sent to Aushwitz or any other concentration camp, were living in utter fear of being found and taken away or even killed right on the spot.

I would have to say though, I'd rather have been killed with my family by my side the moment they found me, than be tortured, starved, and disrespected beyond belief at a concentration camp.

They striped them of everything they had. Even their hair. They had no pride, hope, faith- nothing. I would say a lot of them even abandoned their religions out of fear only because if they were caught, it would be considered dissent. And considering the fact that they were Jews and already hated, it wouldn't make their situation better.

I know this doesn't answer your question, because this is my question too, I answered cause I was bored and wanted to picture what my answer would look like. ANYWAY, not the point. I hope the information is somewhat useful , lol .

#W.F (14)

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10y ago

The social climate in Germany during the holocaust was extremely hostile. The rights of the people were taken away, and those that did not agree with the persecution of the Jewish people were instantly jailed.

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16y ago

They went into hyper-inflation, because they were printing so much money to pay for reparations

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Q: What were the Germans social climate like during the holocaust?
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