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There were more than 11 slave states. 11 states seceded from the Union, and they were Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.

The other slave states were Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky. Washington DC, while not a state, was also a slaveholding district.

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Texas, Missouri, Mississippi, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennesse, Kentucky, Indiana, Virginia, West Virginia, Florida, Louisiana, Alabama.

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Q: What were the 11 slave states in the civil war?
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Which side in the US Civil War had the most States?

At the beginning of the US Civil War the Confederacy was composed of 11 former Federal States. The Union consisted of 23 States. Some of the Union States were slave States. An example is Delaware, where slavery existed, however, Delaware remained loyal to the United States.

What were the 11 Confederate slave states the US Civil War?

During the US Civil War, the Southern States of the Confederacy, consisted of 11 slave states. Union States of Maryland, Missouri, Delaware and the city of Washington DC also had slaves until the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution abolished slavery in the United States. The 11 Southern States were:1. Texas 2. Louisiana 3. Mississippi 4. Alabama 5. Florida 6. Georgia 7. Tennessee8. South Carolina 9. North Carolina 10. Virginia 11. Arkansas

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When Lincoln was elected in 1860 what was the result?

Some 11 slave states seceded from the United States and formed their own confederacy of state. Secession was not acceptable to the federal union and civil war broke out.

Why was the America civil war not really a civil war?

Because The Confederacy had already drafted a constitution and become it's own government. Technically it wasn't a civil war. It was a conquest of the confederacy by the Union.An Alternate Answer:A civil war by definition is: a war between groups within the same nation or state or, less commonly, between two countries created from a former united nation or state. The objective of one group, country or region may be to achieve independence from the former united nation or state or to take control over the united nation, or to change government policies.11 slave states seceded temporarily from the United States of America, otherwise known as "The Union". The 11 slave states wanted to be independent from the Union or the United States of America, and hence, the secession was the first step in achieving independence. The main reason for the secession was the prospect of the future of abolishing slavery, nation wide.The American civil war was a real civil war in every sense. Defined, as 11 slave states, which seceded from the United States, for the purpose of establishing an independent nation, or the Confederate States of America or "The Confederacy".The secession of the Confederate States of America, was not successful. The success or failure of the Confederate States of America, seceding from the Union or United States of America, does not define the term civil war, the attempt of seceding by the Confederate States of America, resulted in a war, which is properly defined a civil war.

How many states total left the union during the civil war?

11 States

Were there civil war battles fought in Florida?

Yes. Civil War battles were fought in all 11 Confederate states.

Who was in the union during the Civil War?

During the American Civil War, the Union was a name used to refer to the federal government of the United States, which was supported by the twenty free states and five border slave states. It was opposed by 11 Southern slave states that had declared a secession to join together to form the Confederacy. Although the Union states included the Western states of California, Oregon, and (after 1864) Nevada, as well as states generally considered to be part of the Midwest, the Union has been also often loosely referred to as "the North", both then and now.[1]

Who were the 2 sides involved in civil war?

North vs South, the Confederacy vs The Union. 11 southern slave states declared their secession from the US states and was led by Jefferson Davis in a fight against the US Fedeal Government (the Union)

Who fought whom in the American Civil War?

In the American civil war the Rebels (11 southern states) fought the North over issues of slavery and state rights

In 1819 before the Missouri Compromise how many free states were there and how many slave states?

In America there was 11 free states and 11 slave states, before the compromise.

When did 11 states succeed from the union?

Before the Civil War, some believed that each state had the right to leave the Union by its decision alone. The US Civil War established that a state cannot succeed from the Union without the permission of the other states, as expressed by Act of Congress.