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Understand that for the most part all Greek deities were 'duel nature' they could favor one and another person would earn their wraith, in one case a woman named Niobe had twelve children and claimed herself greater then Leto who had only two, further Niobe called herself a goddess so great she thought of herself. She was punished when Apollo and Artemis killed her children, some say all but two (a boy and girl) survived. Some argue none.

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Q: What were some things that Artemis the Greek goddess did that were very bad?
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What are some things that the Greek goddess Artemis does?

Artemis is the sister of Apollo. She used to hunt alot.

Who were some of Greek goddess Artemis's friends in crime?

Artemis was not a goddess of crime, neither was she associated with criminals.

What are some names for greek goddesses?

Hebe- Goddess of Youth Hera- Goddess of Marriage Artemis- Goddess of the Hunt/of All wild things Athena- Goddess of Wisdom Demeter- Goddess of Harvest Aphrodite- Goddess of Love and Sex Hestia- Goddess of the Hearth and Family

Who does Artemis the Greek goddess worship?

Since Artemis is a goddess herself, she wouldn't worship anyone. Any god would be her equal. Artemis is the Greek goddess of the moon, fertility, and the hunt. In addition to being the goddess of the Hunt, she is also, to some degree, worshiped for being the Goddess of the bow and arrow (She was usually depicted with her bow and arrow while being bathed in moonlight).

What are some objects that Artemis from ancient Greek mythology might have possessed?

Artemis was a hunter goddess, so she would have had a bow and arrow.

What did Artemis the Greek goddess invent?

Some quote nets, but this is likely identification with Britomartis or Diktynna.

What is the goddess Artemis' age?

Artemis is an immortal goddess in Greek mythology and does not have an age like humans. She is often depicted as a youthful maiden, symbolizing her eternal youth and connection to nature.

How did the Greek goddess Artemis affect Greek society?

In some parts of Greece she was the Goddess of Hunting and in other parts she was the Goddess of Animals. So in parts; she was a hunters guardian and in others she was the insperation to animal breeding and their well care.

Who is the Greek goddess of nature?

Well,the Greek god of nature is Pan,and Gaea wasnature,so I guess that leaves Persephone.

What are some names of boys and girls from ancient Greece?

Athena: Greek Goddess of wisdom Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of beauty Hera: Greek Goddess of children and marriage Artemis: Greek Goddess of hunting Hestia: Greek Goddess of the hearth Demeter: Greek Goddess of grain Pandora: the first woman formed out of clay by the gods.

Goddess Atalanta's Roman name?

Atalanta was a beautiful Greek princess, not a goddess, (although some believe that she was a member of Artemis's [or Roman Diana's] Hunt) so she went by Atalanta in both Roman and Greek culture.

What is Artemis the godess of?

Artemis was one of the most widely venerated of the Ancient Greek deities and one of the oldest. In Greek mythology of the classical period, Artemis became the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. She was the Hellenic goddess of forests and hills, childbirth, virginity, fertility, the hunt, and often was depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrows. The deer and the cypress were sacred to her. In later Hellenistic times she also assumed the ancient role of Eileithyia in aiding childbirth.She later became identified with Selene, a Titan who was a Greek moon goddess, and she was sometimes depicted with a crescent moon above her head. She also became identified with the Roman goddess Diana, with the Etruscan goddess Artume, and with the Greek or Carian goddess Hecate. Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, wildlife, and the moon.Artemis was a goddess. Other info on Artemis:Occupation: goddess of the moon and huntingResponsibilities: protecting women, animals, maidens, and citiesPowers: changing people into animalsSymbols: cypress tree, dog, deer, falcon, deer, and bow and arrowsWeapons: silver bow and arrowHome: Mount OlympusParents: Zeus and LetoMarried to: unmarried; a virgin goddessHobbies: punishing hunters who killed more game than they needed to eatInteresting info: Apollo's older twin, Artemis, was known to be very independent