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Archons. Archon in Greek means "ruler"

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Nasir Sipes

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2y ago
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11y ago

The leaders depended on the type of government. For a time Tyrants were prevalent, however these were gradually replaced by other forms. Sparta had a dual kingship, with five elected magistrates called Ephors. The more usual magistrates were called Archons - Athens appointed 10, with a variety of functions - religious affairs, judicial affairs, finance, etc. Macedonia had a king appointed by acclaim of the army.

War leadership also varied - it was the prerogative of the kings in Sparta and Macedonia. In other cities generals (strategos, plural strategoi); admirals (navarchos, pl -oi) were appointed in some cities, however Athens used the one term of strategos.

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10y ago

By heridity, appointment, by a lot machine or election, depending on the system of the city-state you lived in.

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10y ago

I beileve they might have been popes but definetley not kings but they might have done kings at one point

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