In the cities you had clothiers, blacksmiths, merchants, and a plethora of other service and sales based individuals.
However as the majority of the population (~80%) was rural, most would have been farmers.
The poor were given a free gain dole.
She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.
The Byzantine Empire was Christian.
The byzantine Empire was destroyed by the Otter men
The Eastern Roman Empire. It became the Byzantine empire after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.
The poor were given a free gain dole.
She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.She lived in the Byzantine empire, or the eastern Roman empire.
The Holy Roman Empire followed the Byzantine Empire.
There is no such thing as a western Byzantine Empire, only an east (Byzantine) and west Roman Empire.
Byzantine Empire. No doubt about it.
The Byzantine Empire in the year of 1453 to The Ottoman Turks.
The Byzantine Empire was Christian.
The Byzantine Empirethe byzantine empire
The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.
The Byzantine empire was the Roman empire, merely its eastern counterpart.
The byzantine Empire was destroyed by the Otter men
Byzantine Empire,Eastern Roman Empire,Roman Empire and Romania