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The Crusades resulted in Europeans learning about a number of products they had never heard of, furthering their desire for trade. It also ignited a spirit of exploration, as countries turned to ways in which they could easily reach the far east, and bring back products to trade, in order to increase their wealth.

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Q: What were Two ways the Crusades contact with the Middle East changed European culture?
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What is an example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with the white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is an example of how the cultural of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is the Roman culture?

Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.

Did the Ottoman Empire resist the European trade and culture?

The Ottoman Empire tried to resist European Trade and Culture but were not terribly effective in doing either, especially at resisting European Culture.

List two reasons why many Europeans accepted prejudice towards Jews?

Prejudice against the Jews has been deeply embedded in European culture and thought since at least the days of the crusades. In the period c. 1918-1950 Jews were widely thought of as Communists.

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An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is an example of how the culture of Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is an example of how the culture of Cherokee changed the following contact with white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What were social effects of the crusades?

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History often shapes the culture by causing people to come in contact with other cultures. When this happens, the cultures are changed because of that contact.

What is an example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with the white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is an example of how the culture of Cherokees changed of following contact with settlers?

They became Christians

What is an example of the culture of Cherokees changed following contact with settlers?

They became Christians

What is an example of how the culture of Cherokees changed following contact with settlers?

They became Christians

What is an example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers?

They became Christians

Why did the Crusades revolutionize European culture?

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