Christopher Columbus have 3 brothers and 1 sister. His brothers name is Bartholomew, Giovanni Pellegrino and Giacomo. his sisters name is Bianchinatta.
Christopher Columbus had three brothers and one sister Bartolomeo, Giovanni Pellegrino and Giacomo were the three brothers and Bianchi was the name of his sister
Christopher Columbus brothers names were Bartholomew, Giovanni Pellegrino, Deigo, and Giacomo. His sisters name was Bianchinetta.
some parents and 57 sisters and brothers
His parents names were George and Esther Lindsay. He had several brothers and sisters. His sister also my mother is Rose Lindsay.
Christopher Columbus have 3 brothers and 1 sister. His brothers name is Bartholomew, Giovanni Pellegrino and Giacomo. his sisters name is Bianchinatta.
Christopher Columbus had three brothers and one sister Bartolomeo, Giovanni Pellegrino and Giacomo were the three brothers and Bianchi was the name of his sister
Christopher Columbus brothers names were Bartholomew, Giovanni Pellegrino, Deigo, and Giacomo. His sisters name was Bianchinetta.
he has 1 sis
Your aunts and uncles are the sisters and brothers of your parents.
henry hudson had 3 brothers and no sisters. his 3 brothers names where Christopher, Tomas and John.
no siblings are not also parents. siblings is a word for brothers and sisters so you do not have to say my brothers and sisters all the time.
no siblings are not also parents. siblings is a word for brothers and sisters so you do not have to say my brothers and sisters all the time.
sisters brandi-22 noah-10 brothers trace-21 Christopher-18 braison-15
sisters brandi-22 noah-10 brothers trace-21 Christopher-18 braison-15
Her three brothers are Braison, Christopher, and Trace (the last two are her step brothers).Her two sisters are Noah and Brandi.
his parents names where something and something. his brothers names are something and something. his sisters names where something and something