

Best Answer

The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club

The Adventures of Oliver Twist

The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby

The Old Curiosity Shop

Barnaby Rudge

The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit

A Christmas Carol

Dealings with Dombey and Son

David Copperfield

Bleak House

Hard Times

Little Dorrit

A Tale of Two Cities

Great Expectations

Our Mutual Friend

The Mystery of Edwin Drood (unfinished)
Oliver !!!!!!!!!!!!:)

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1 A Tale of Two Cities

2 Great Expectations

3 Oliver Twist

4 David Copperfield

5 Little Dorrit

6 Bleak House

7 A Christmas Carol (novella)

8 Nicholas Nickleby

9 Martin Chuzzlewit

10 Hard Times

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Q: What were Charles Dickens' top ten best books?
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How many children did Charles Dickens have with his wife Catherine?

Charles Dickens had 10 children with his wife Catherine.

What was charles dickens wife and children called?

Charles Dickens's wife was Catherine Hogarth Dickens. They had ten children: Charles, Mary, Kate, Walter, Francis, Alfred, Sydney, Henry, Dora, and Edward.

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Charles Dickens married Catherine Thomson Hogarth on April 2, 1836. They proceeded to have ten children in their 34 years of marriage.

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Charles Darwin succeeded Charles Dickens in the burial place at Westminster Abbey in London. Darwin was buried next to Sir Isaac Newton in 1882, while Dickens was buried there in 1870.

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Charles Dickens is an extremely famous author who lived in 19th century England. His family consisted of seven siblings, his wife, and their ten children.

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Charles Dickens' first wife was Catherine Hogarth, whom he married in 1836. They had ten children together before their marriage ended in 1858.

Did Charles Dickens get along with his wife?

Charles Dickens's relationship with his wife, Catherine Hogarth, deteriorated over time and they eventually separated. Dickens blamed Catherine for their marital issues and portrayed her negatively in the media.

What is a famous piece of writing by Charles Dickens?

"David Copperfield", for instance, plus at least ten other titles...

When did Charles Dickens marry Cathrine?

Charles Dickens married Catherine Hogarth on April 2, 1836. They had ten children together before their marriage ended in separation in 1858.

How old was Charles Dickens when he moved to England?

Charles Dickens was born in England and spent his childhood there. He did not move to England at any specific point in his life.

What happened to Charles dickens romance in 1833?

In January 1833, Charles Dickens married Catherine Thomson Hogarth. They had a tumultuous relationship, marred by infidelity and disagreements. Although they had ten children together, their marriage ultimately ended in separation in 1858.

How many kids did Charles Dickens have?

Charles Darwin had ten children: two died in infancy, and Annie's death at the age of ten had a devastating effect on her parents. Charles was a devoted father and uncommonly attentive to his children. Whenever they fell ill he feared that they might have inherited weaknesses from inbreeding due to the close family ties he shared with his wife and cousin, Emma Wedgewood. Despite his fears, most of the surviving children went on to have distinguished careers as notable members of the prominent Darwin-Wedgewood Family. Of his surviving children, George, Francis and Horace became Fellows of the Royal Society. His son Leonard however followed a different career becoming a soldier.