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The spatula and the grill.

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Q: What weapons was used in the hamburger hill?
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Related questions

What is the duration of Hamburger Hill?

The duration of Hamburger Hill is 1.87 hours.

Who died at hamburger hill?

Many men died at Hamburger Hill.

When was Hamburger Hill created?

Hamburger Hill was created on 1987-08-28.

When did Battle of Hamburger Hill happen?

Battle of Hamburger Hill happened on 20-05-10.

Is Battle of Hamburger Hill also called kneeling beast?

when the hell was the battle of Hamburger Hill ? Maybe the battle of Bunker Hill!!!

Was the battle of hamburger hill success?

The U.S. and South Vietnamese won The Battle Of Hamburger Hill

How long was Hamburger hill?

The battle for Hamburger Hill (Hill 937) fought during the Vietnam War lasted for ten days, from 10 to 20 May 1969.The movie Hamburger Hill, staring Clint Eastwood, was 2 and a half hours long.

Where was hamburger hill filmed?


Did marines fight at the battle hamburger hill?

Hamburger Hill was the 101st Air Cavalry Division and the 1st Cavalry Division, both Army units.

What was the cost to make the film hamburger hill?


Hamburger hill commemorative coins?

Hamburger Hill commemorative coins are available. The 40th reunion of the 3/187 (It's the 3rd of the 187 not the 1st of the 187) hamburger hill veterans organization was recently held at Fort Campbell and coins were given to each veteran. The organization has extra coins which can be sold to the public. and select the Hamburger Hill Chapter. You can email me at the web address there ( for further details.

Did david Louis linton serve at hamburger hill?
