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bows and arrows were particularly useful according to ancient times

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11y ago

It depends on what you mean by early times. Best guess at this time, rocks and sticks.

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12y ago

spears nife nets

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they used clay for pots and stones

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Q: What weapons did people use in the olden days for hunting animals?
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Why did man hunting in olden days?

Ford food, survival.

Where did the people get the food from?

In olden days people used to hunt deer or tamed animals or do fishing or from plants after cooking they used to eat

What did the people in the Olden-Days have?

Please define "olden days" because each time had different things. To some people 1950 is the "olden days".

What tools were used in the olden days?

The earliest tools of uncivilized societies were those of peoples engaged in hunting and gathering. Studies by archaeologists have uncovered such early tools used for digging in the earth and crude weapons carved from stone.

How do people save in the olden days?

In the olden days there were no banks so people used to keep their money under their heads

What changes have there been in weapons over time?

Weapons have become more sophisticated and precise. Some of the most commonly used weapons today are guns which are quite different from swords and machetes used in olden times.

What people in the olden days use?

It really depends on what you are referring to. As weapons? Guns, spears, bow and arrows, knives etc. As Contraception, pull out method I presume. As medicine, herbs and plants, natropathy

What did olden people wear in olden days?

old looking clothes because it was the old times =p

How did the primitive people live?

Primitive people lived in small, nomadic groups, hunting and gathering for food. They created simple tools and weapons, lived in temporary shelters, and had a deep connection with nature for survival. Their societies were often egalitarian, with shared responsibilities and resources.

Farming in olden days?

rubbish people

What do people do in the olden days?

horse and buggies

How many people used ink?

most people in the olden days