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Cities developed professional firefighting and police forces.

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Q: What ways did cities attempt to solve the problems of crime and fire?
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In what ways did the city's attempt to solve the problem of crime and fire?

They developed professional firefighting and police forces

How did cities solve their problems of crime and fire?

Cities solved their problems of crime by creating professional police forces and implementing laws and regulations. They addressed fire hazards by establishing organized fire departments, building fire stations, and creating fire codes and safety measures.

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How did city solve the problems of crime and fire?

cities developed professional firefighting and police forces

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US cities, especially the larger ones have two huge problems to solve. One is to improve their educational systems. Far too many students are drop outs or fail to pass tests. The other major problem is crime, especially drug related crime.

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US cities, especially the larger ones have two huge problems to solve. One is to improve their educational systems. Far too many students are drop outs or fail to pass tests. The other major problem is crime, especially drug related crime.

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He tryed to rape George washington

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(Previous answer irrevelent to question.)