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all of the above

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Stanford Davis

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2y ago

D. All of the above


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Jerrold Quitzon

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D. All of the above


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Lessie Jones

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D. All of the above


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What was true about moderate African-American politicians such as Hiram Rhodes revels?

All of the above

What was true moderate African Americans politicians such as Hiram Rhodes revels?

D. All of the above (apex)

I was an African-American born into the family in the first African-American to serve in Congress.I was a moderate politician who supported the interests of both African-Americans and whites.Who am i?

Hiram Rhodes Revels

Was an African American born into a free family and the first African American to serve in Congress you were a moderate politician who supported the interests of both African Americans and whites Who?

Hiram Rhodes Revels

I was an African American born into a free family and the first African American to serve in congress i was a moderate politician who supported the interests of both African Americans and whites who a?

Hiram Rhodes Revels

Who was first African American to serve in the united state senate?

Hirman Revels

Who was the African American elected to the senate?

Hiram Revels

Who was the first African American American senator?

Hiram Rhodes Revels

Who was the first African-American elected to the Senate?

Fredrick Douglas

Who is Hiram Revels and why is he important?

He was the first african american senator

Who was the first African American US senator?

The very first African American senator was named Hiram Rhodes Revels. (Hiram Rhodes Revels) became the first African American US senator in 1870. When Mississippi senator Jefferson Davis resigned to become president of the Confederacy, Revels completed his term.

Who were some prominent African leaders during reconstruction?

some prominent African American leaders during reconstruction is; Hiram Revels , Jefferson Davis , Unlike Revels , Blanche K. Bruce