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Partly cloudy with a chance of showers.

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Q: What was the weather like when king duncan was murdered?
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What was the weather like the night Duncan was murdered?

Foggy and Ominous

Why didn't lady Macbeth murdered king Duncan?

He looked too much like her father when he was sleeping

What was the weather like the night when Duncan was murder?

Stormy and violent

Was king duncan a real person?

Yes, King Duncan was King of Scotland from 1034 to 1040. He wasn't anything like the guy in the Shakespeare play though.

Who did lady Macbeth bloody to make look like the killers of king duncan?

Duncan's grooms.

Was Lady Macbeth an insomniac?

Yes, but only after Duncan's murder. As Macbeth thought he heard, "Macbeth shall sleep no more," because he murdered sleep. He murdered Duncan in his sleep and his guilt murders his sleep. Lady Macbeth is also effected by all of this. Later in the play, she sleep walks and tries to wash the blood off of her hands, which symbolizes her unending guilt. She is reliving the nights that Duncan and Banquo were murdered and she is so paranoid that she must sleep with a candle so that she is not murdered in her sleep like Duncan. She is so guilty that she eventually commits suicide.

Who does lady Macbeth say king Duncan looks like?

Lady Macbeth says king Duncan resembles her father, so she encourages macbeth to murder him.

What are macbeths arguments to himself against duncan?

Duncan is his cousin. Duncan is his king. Duncan is his guest. If he murders Duncan, he invites others to murder him. Many people like Duncan for being a nice guy and will be angry when he is killed.

What are Macbeth arguments to himself against killing Duncan?

Duncan is his cousin. Duncan is his king. Duncan is his guest. If he murders Duncan, he invites others to murder him. Many people like Duncan for being a nice guy and will be angry when he is killed.

How did Nathan bedford Forrest die?

he was murdered in Memphis like martin Luther king

What prevents lady Macbeth from killing Duncan?

because king Duncan looked alot like lady Macbeth's father.

Whom does Lady Macbeth drug and why?

Lady Macbeth drugs the guards stationed outside King Duncan's chamber to ensure they are unconscious and unable to interfere with her plan to frame them for Duncan's murder. This allows Macbeth to easily access Duncan's chamber and carry out the assassination.