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The Manchurian crisis did not have a huge impact on world peace; however, it was the first incident leading up to the second Sino-Japanese war. The Manchurian crisis was the first invasion of the war (or, rather, before the war), and it is arguable that it led up to the WWII Japanese invasion. Manchurian crisis was Japan government trying to take over chian. There plan was to make an empire.

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Q: What was the significance of the 1931 Manchurian crisis to the future of world peace?
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Was there peace in between the world wars at some time?

Yes for 20 years for most countries. China and Germany did not have the peace they should have had. In the 1930s the Nazis came to power and that ruined the freedoms and peace the German's had then. The Manchurian had their region invaded by Japanese. Hundred's of thousands of Manchurian people were murdered by the soldiers.

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That the rulers had Botox Balls

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1973 - President Richard Nixon announces that a peace accord has been reached in Vietnam

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The olive branch and arrows symbolize the power of peace and war vested in Congress.

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John Quincy Adams

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