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Q: What was the ships conditions for Ferdinand Magellan's voyage?
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Magellan's route pictures?

if you want pictures, search on Google in the image category for Magellan's ships.

What were Ferdinand magellans activities?

He sailed the globe, was killed in the Philippines, and it took his ships two more years to return to Spain.

How many voyages has Ferdinand Magellan been on?

I hope somebody who knows this history better than I will jump in, but depending on how you define voyage Ferdinand Magellan was only on the one famous voyage. For several years before his famous voyage he served on ships and was in a couple of naval battles.

How many ships returned from Magellans expedition?


Who sponsored cloumbus first voyage?

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand sponsored (gave him money) his voyage. They gave him 3 ships called the the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

How did Ferdinand Magellans life end?

Ferdinand Magellan died in 1521 during the Battle of Mactan fighting some rival Filipino groups. He died about 1 year before the last of his ships made it home.

What was Ferdinand Magellan's outcome of his voyage?

His ships were the first to circle the world and to go from the Atlantic to the Pacific. He died in the Philippines, but his ships and crews went on getting home 2 years later.

What continent did Magellans ships pass on the way to the indies?

South America

What are the names of magellans ships?

Trinidad Concepcion Victoria, Santiago San Antonio.

How many ships returned from the magellans expedition?

One, the Victoria, with 18 of the original crewmen.

When was magellans first voyage?

Magellan's attempt to sail around the world began in 1519 when his fleet set sail from Seville in Spain. The ships accomplished their mission and returned in 1522 but without Magellan who died in the Philippines.

When did Magellans trip start?

Magellan's five ships left Spain on September 20, 1519.