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the role of women was to look after the house, kids and care for her husband. They also did the housework - cleaning,ironing,preparing meals.Basically women didnt have many rights and had to do all the house work and keep their mouths shut. Women usually didn't have jobs as they were supposedly not as clever as men. The average woman would spend their day looking after their children, cleaning their house and cooking for their family. The woman's husband would have a job and earn the money whilst the woman stayed at home and looked after the children. Women's family were very important to them. Woman wanted to be treated as equally as men. Women's only professions were said to be motherhood and wifehood. "A woman's place is in the home" is how women expressed their selves as all their chores were in their home whilst the men went out to work. Girls were said to follow their mothers footsteps so it wasn't as important for them to go to school. If a poor man chose to send his children to the 'poorhouse', the mother was legally defenceless to object. Some communities let women act as lawyers in courts, sue for property and to own property in their own names if their husbands agreed. Some woman did work in professions in the 18thcentury. They were, doctors, lawyers, preachers, teachers, writers and singers. But by the early 19thcentury woman were limited to factory labour and domestic work. The only professions the women were then allowed to do were writing and teaching. The British textile and clothing trades were regarded as 'women's work' as they employed far more women than men. In Great Britain, just before the World War I, out of 24,000,000, 1,700,000 worked in domestic service, 800,000 worked in the textile manufacturing, 600,000 worked in the clothing trades, 500,000 worked in commerce and 260,000 worked in local and national government.

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Q: What was the role of the women before World War 1?
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How were women viewed before World War One?

In the years prior to World War One, women for the most part were viewed as home makers and child care persons. This is a generalization, however, for the most part that was their major role and how they were perceived in the USA and in most of the world.

When women fought in the World War 2 what role did they have?

any job that was free but mainly a medic

What were traditional womens' roles and jobs before World War 2 in Australia?

The majority of the time in the past a womens role was basically to raise a family, when women persue jobs, the jobs usually require traits such caring and communication.Very frequent jobs are things like teaching, secretaries, factory workers, caring for children....

What were women able to do before the war?

The primary occupations of women before World War 1 were teaching and nursing. Of course, there were exceptions to this, but the war did create the opportunity for women to work in factories and other jobs that had typically been held by men.

Womens role in World War 2 in the army?

Women played a largly logistic and medicinal role in the actual army, but there were some women fighters and a large amount of women went to work in the now empty factories.

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What were new jobs for women during world war 2?

women worked in factories to make weapons and war supplies. They filled the role that men had before the war.

What was the role of women in first world war?

to suk dick

What was the general role of women during World War 2?

Women worked in many factories and farms in the war.

What role did women have in UK society before the ww1?

women should've been ironing during the war because that's their role in society. women should've been ironing during the war because that's their role in society.

How were women viewed before World War One?

In the years prior to World War One, women for the most part were viewed as home makers and child care persons. This is a generalization, however, for the most part that was their major role and how they were perceived in the USA and in most of the world.

How did World War 1 impact the lives of women in the US after the war?

Women began playing a large role in the workforce.

Explain the role of British women in World War 1?

they were crucial

How did World War 1 change the role of women?

The right to vote.

Women's Role in World War 1?

Women were viewed as the caregivers because the men were gone.

What was the womens role before World War 2?

Before World War II, women's role was primarily in the home, raising a family and keeping the home in order. When WWII took most of the men overseas, however, women were forced to leave the home and take jobs to support their families and keep the country running, and this transition has become a permanent figure of our society.

How did world war 1 impact the lives of women in the united states following world war 1?

Women began playing a large role in the workforce

What were the roles of women before the world war 2?

before world war ii women were mostly domestic servants