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Treaty of Paris.

America won the war. The US claimed Cuba as a territory for a short time and granted it Independence. Cubans didn't want to trade one countries colonial control over them for another.

Spain ceded the Philipines to the United States for $20 million.

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Imogene Stehr

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2y ago
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9y ago

Some results of the Spanish American War (1898) :

  • The United States took control of Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam.
  • Cuba was declared a US protectorate, and the US stationed ships and troops there.
  • The war marked the end of the Spanish empire in the Americas and the Pacific.
  • The US established its position as a world power by controlling islands in the Pacific hemisphere.

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11y ago

Treaty of Paris.

America won the war. The US claimed Cuba as a territory for a short time and granted it Independence. Cubans didn't want to trade one countries colonial control over them for another.

Spain ceded the Philipines to the United States for $20 million.

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