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It prevented almost all Chinese Immigration for ten years

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12y ago
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12y ago

what happened was chineseian people wanted jobs and nobody would give them jobs because they were of a different race, and they couldnt even help it, it wasnt their fault..but finally they got a job working on the railroads, and they were like the best, but they still didnt get paid as much as they deserved.

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12y ago

the Chinese act was being replaced with bad discrimmination to the universe

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3y ago

It prevented orientals from immigrating for the next 10 years

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Q: What was the result of the Chinese Exclusion Act of the late 1800's?
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What was result of Chinese exclusion act of the late 1800s?

It prevented almost all Chinese Immigration for ten years.

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The Chinese

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All of the above - Apex

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