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Hitler appreciated Mussollini's style of leadership. He ruled his people by making sure they feared him - something you would recognize in Hitler's actions. Mussolini used World War 1 veterans as those who he trusted for guidance (not the word I want) - which were called the "Black Shirts". Hitler's version were the "Brown Shirts" or the Nazis. These are examples of Mussollini's influence upon Hitler's ruling style. Here is a link that reflects some of the communication between the men leading toward and during World War 2. Keep in mind they were allied during the war in an effort to rule the world.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Adolf Hitler was a cruel, cruel man who killed over 12 million people during World War II. He was the reason for the Holocaust, and the reason for WWII when the Nazi Party invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. Hitler was the dictator of Germany and helped Germany out of their low economy that was caused from World War I, and blamed all European Jews for the cause of their depression. He killed 6,000,000 Jews and another 6,000,000 disabled peoples, gypsies, people with other religious groups, homosexuals, and anyone who was against himself. His plan was to wipe out the entire race of Jews which was called the final solution. He only wanted a race called the Aryan race who were Germans with blue eyes and blonde hair to be in Europe. He also wanted to gain control of the whole continent of Europe, and slowly take over the world. Sounds ridiculous, right? there are so many other cruel statements about Hitler which I inspire you to look up because it is very interesting.

Benito Mussolini was an Italian dictator who was allies with Hitler. He ran the Italian economy poorly and many Italians hated this about him. He was shot and killed at the age of 61.

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14y ago

Adolf Hitler- the German dictator during World War 2 who promised to break the Treaty of Versailles and restore Germany's pride.

Benito Mussolini- Italian dictator during World War 2 that rose to power because he promised to revive the economy during the Great Depression. He also promised to revive the glory of the Roman Empire.

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12y ago

Hitler committed suicide and Mussolini was hung from a lamp post after trying to escape.

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They were two popular rock band leaders in the 1970s.

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