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To find a water route to Asia.

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Idell Dietrich

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Henriette Pagac

Lvl 13
2y ago

To find a water route to Asia.

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Althea Olson

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1y ago

To find a water route to Asia.

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9y ago

Columbus was looking for a water route to Asia. If people could buy, sell, and ship items using a water route from Asia to Europe it would take less time, less money and be faster than going overland on the silk road. The problem with Columbus was that he went west to go east and caught a current that took him to the Bahamas. He never knew about North America.

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7y ago

To look for a new trade rout to Asia

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Q: What was the purpose of Columbus first journey to the new world?
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What was the purpose of Columbus first journey to the world?

To find a water route to Asia.

What was the purpose of Columbus journey to the new world?

To find a water route to Asia.

What was the purpose of Columbus's journey to the new world?

To find a water route to Asia.

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Why did Columbus go to the new world for his first journey?

To find a new trade route to Asia

Why did Columbus continue new world on his first journey?

Maybe because he didn't want to give up what he had already accomplished and to keep moving

Where did Columbus journey to in 1942?

You mean, 1492. Ostensibly, he was looking for Asia. The location of his first landfall in the New World is unclear, but probably somewhere in the Bermudas.

What journey did Christopher Columbus take?

He made three voyages of discovery to the new world.

Why did Columbus go to the new world on his journey?

To find an all-water route to Asia

Where did Columbus believe he was going and what effect did his journey have on the Americas?

Columbus was trying to find an eastern route to India when he ran into the western hemisphere instead. This journey led to the discovery of the New World which later was names the Americas.