The price of a loaf of bread in 1996 was about $1.29. However, it also varied from the brand you bought. and if your not sure about this answer go home and ask you parent/guardian. They should know they had to buy bread for you can have breakfast. I think!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
sorry for which country, for Zimbabwe we had over 100 prices, for which month, day specifically and which hour and the minutes?
twenty five cents.
In 1967 milk was $1.15 and the average price for a loaf of bread was $0.22
Generally, yes. Marginal utility is the utility one gets out of "one more" of a good. For instance, if I have no food, my marginal utility of a loaf of bread is extremely high, so I will pay (price) a huge amount of money for it. On the other hand, if I have a pantry full of loafs of bread, my marginal utility for a loaf of bread would be very low, and I wouldn't buy bread unless it was extremely cheap.
The average price of bread in 1940 was eight cents per loaf. Contrasting this, the minimum wage was 30 cents per hour and the median annual income was $1900.
It was about 20 pence - 30 pence back then.I'm pretty sure it's cheaper to make your own,
A loaf of bread cost 17 cents in 1954.
the price of a loaf of bread? $1.00
In the year 1994 the price of a loaf of bread in India was four rupees.
IN 1940, the price of a loaf of bread was eight cents. Today, a loaf of bread costs about three dollars.
In 2003, the price of a loaf of bread was close to $1. In 2014, the price of a loaf of bread of close to $2.25.
A loaf of bread in 1984 was about 79 cents
The price of a loaf of bread in Ohio in the 60s was about 69 cents.
The average price of a loaf of bread was about $.99
what is the price of loaf of bread in 1998
The cost of a loaf of bread in 1957 was 19 cents. The cost of a loaf of bread in 1957 was 19 cents.
The price of a loaf of bread in Michigan varies based on the store. Bread can be as cheap as 50 cents.