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France was bitterly divided, especially while under German occupation. The Vichy regime consisted of assorted reactionaries and Fascists, plus opportunists like Pierre Laval - the sort of bullies who are happy to serve the powerful. The Vichy regime renamed France 'Etat Fracais'[French State] (instead of R

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Which country? The US? The US was again on a mission to "make the world safe for democracy" especially with regards to Europe and the war against the Nazis. In the Pacific however, the war was extremely racially charged and the concept of liberating the Pacific and making it democratic did not take as much precedence as in Europe. Here one of the main goals was revenge against Japan for attacking Pearl Harbor. As evidence, before Pearl Harbor, the American people were almost unanimous in their opposition to joining the war in Europe or Asia. They didn't want to be dragged into another foreign conflict even if they admitted that the governments in question--Nazi Germany and fascist Japan--were despicable. After the sneak attack however, American public opinion changed almost overnight. Exactly what other political ideologies you're referring to, I'm not sure, but I'm assuming you mean war aims, so hopefully this helps somewhat.

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Q: What was the political ideology of France during World War 2?
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France was on the Allies side during the second world war. However, Germany invaded France early in the war.

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Italian occupation of France during World War II was created in 1940.

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