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Two nuclear weapons were used -- the Little Boy, a gun-type uranium-fueled nuclear weapon that was deployed against Hiroshima on Monday, August 6, 1945.

The second was the Fat Man, an implosion-type plutonium-fueled nuclear weapon deployed against Nagasaki on Thursday, August 9, 1945.

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Q: What was the nuclear weapon used by the us to force japan to surrender during ww2?
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President Truman's primary motive for using nuclear weapons against Japan was to?

Force Japan to surrender without invading Japan itself which would have resulted in many allied soldiers being killed.

How did the US force the Japanese to surrender in World War 2?

The united states froze all Japanese financial assets.

Are nukes one the most powerful weapon in the World?

not only for the explosive power, but also the fallout that follows, nuclear weapons are by far the most destructive force known to man.

To surround an enemy in order to force its surrender?


Why did Japan not surrender before the bombing?

Japan didn't surrender before the bombing because they wanted to get more favorable terms of surrender. The emperor wanted to maintain control of the nation and they did not want an occupation force that would keep them from building another military. On the other hand, the rest of the world did not want Japan to build their military and attack again, so the rest of the world required unconditional surrender. The Allies had already suffered enough loss during the war and did not want to send a million soldiers to their death in an invasion of Japan, so since the Emperor refused to surrender, the Allies used nuclear weapons to force compliance. There really was no other choice to President Truman at the time. The Japanese did not surrender because they had too much honor. Their emperor would not accept defeat and their people would fight to the death. They were not afraid and even after the bombs were dropped they didn't surrender. The Japanese surrendered because of the Soviet's threat to attack them.

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What is the atomic bomb an example of?

The atomic bomb is an example of a nuclear weapon, a type of explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions. It was used during World War II, with devastating consequences, and has since influenced global security policies and discussions on nuclear proliferation.

What are the six facets of Air Force Nuclear Stewardship?

Nuclear surety, nuclear weapon design, positive release orders, civilian control, physical and procedural checks, and nuclear reliability.

What are the example of nuclear force?

The energy released when a nuclear power plant generates heat to generate steam to generate electricity. The energy released when a nuclear weapon detonates.

Can a power plant can explode like a nuclear weapon?

No, a nuclear weapon needs a specific geometry to detonate, and it has to be held in this position by very high explosives to keep it in this shape. In a nuclear reactor, if the reactor core goes critical then the force of the expanding coolant will blow the reactor apart, preventing a nuclear blast.

Who dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

The USA force dropped the atomic bombs on Japan to force them to surrender during the war.

What is a nuke and what does a nuke looks like?

A nuke is a colloquial term for a nuclear weapon, which is an explosive weapon that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions. A nuclear weapon can come in various forms, such as a bomb or a missile, and may vary in size and design depending on its intended use and delivery method.

President Truman's primary motive for using nuclear weapons against Japan was to?

Force Japan to surrender without invading Japan itself which would have resulted in many allied soldiers being killed.

What is called when enemy forces surround a town or city in order to force it to surrender?

This is called a siege. During a siege, the attackers usually try to cut off all supply lines to the town or city to weaken its defenses and force surrender.

Which of the forces has the greatest effect on the amount of energy that is released during nuclear fission reactions?

The force of attraction between the protons and neutrons in the nucleus, known as the strong nuclear force, is responsible for binding these particles together. When a nucleus splits in a nuclear fission reaction, the strong nuclear force is overcome, releasing a large amount of energy.

What 3 words holds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus?

The force between nucleons is called nuclear force.

When was the Air Force's first Broken Arrow?

The Air Force's first Broken Arrow incident occurred on March 11, 1950. A B-36 bomber carried a nuclear weapon when it experienced a cockpit fire and crashed in Texas. While the non-nuclear detonation of the weapon occurred, there was no radioactive contamination.

What mechanisms are in?

gravitational force electrostatic force weak nuclear force strong nuclear force