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to have money for the country

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Q: What was the main objective of the northwest ordinance of 1787?
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What were the 3 main achievement of the northwest ordinance?

I have no recollection of this answer

What were accomplishments of the Northwest Ordinance?

The three main achievements of the Northwest Ordinance were accelerating the westward expansion of the United States, advancement of education, and the maintenance of civil liberties. The ordinance also prohibited slavery in the newly settled territory.

What were some of the provisions in the Northwest Ordinance?

The Ordinance prohibited slavery North of the Ohio River.

What were the two main reasons some states objected to Congress's disposing of western lands?

Reason #1- the states with western land claims did not want to give the land up Reason #2- land speculators were mad that they would not be able to sell the land that they had bought at a cheap price This led up to the Northwest Ordinance of 1785 and of 1787

What was the main religion in 1787 in America?

Christianity was the main religion in America in the 18th century and specifically in 1787

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Yes, it was Lincoln's main objective.

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What is the main industry of Northwest Territory ON?

northwest was usually gold and mining

What was the main mode of transportation in 1787?

They rode on your mothers fart

Objective of Strategic Management?

Main objective of Strategic Management is to increase profitability